Imagine going on a date with a sexy gentleman who does not even touch you without your permission! It is not every day that you get to meet a man like this. Someone who loves to have a cuppa and slice with you while sitting facing him at a restaurant table! Think of where your gentleman’s date comes from. He is not your average man but someone who will hold the door for advice for a bigger penis

 Look at all that charm!

Did you just wonder what all those beautiful and fragrant candles are doing on your kitchen counter? Is he setting you up for more than just a regular date with him? Surprise! He just wants you to be happy for the day. No worries! He is not hiding anything from you but rather trying to help you relax a bit. Isn’t that charming? He is chivalrous, strong, handsome, and can even hold up a good conversation with his gifts. If you want an unparalleled massage experience, take him to some natural surroundings and watch one of the Sydney male escorts give you a good time under the waterfalls. Dare to make your dreams come true! Just try something different, at least for once.

 Time to bond with him!

Such courageous men are really hard to find. So, take your time to bond with him on dates, parties, and more. Bring him along everywhere you can so that you can transform into a cynosure of attention. Rest assured that he will not do anything weird, including showing any public display of affection outside the house. He is a gentleman, after all. In case you do not want to let him do any such thing to you, ask him not to. Tell him clearly that you can do PDAs with someone else and that you are not comfortable letting him do all that stuff for you. Bonding does not imply crossing the limits with someone. So, make sure that you do not entertain anything such as these right from the start.

 Give him a cue

As the date of one of the hottest Sydney male escorts, you can make him swoon all over you when you tell him that you are only here to date him and nothing more than that. Just try to deploy your body language till he gets the message that you are not available for anything more than a simple date with him.